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Aplicar regras de preço do carrinho em outras formas de frete

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Olá boa tarde,

Gostaria de saber se tem como aplicar regras de preço do carrinho em outras formas de frete que não seja a do correios.

Eu mesmo que entregarei os produtos e quando aplico as regras no correios aparece a seguinte mensagem "[Entrega grátis para sua região] Sedex, tempo de entrega de 3 dias."  Não queria que aparecesse Sedex, mas se tiro o %s do campo personalizável o tempo de entrega desaparece junto. Tem alguma ideia de como fazer isso?

Uso Magento 2.2.2

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1 hour ago, Ariel Cugenotta said:

Oi @Henrique Souza

Esta usando o módulo da Imagination Media? Se estiver basta ir no arquivo /Helper/Data.php na linha 96:

Esta assim:

return "Sedex";

return "Sedex";

Deixe assim:

return "";

E pronto, o label Sedex não irá mais aparecer.

Show de bola, funcionou! 

Uma  pequena Observação:  Isso afeta também o resultado quando a regra de preço não for utilizada, ou seja, não aparece mais a palavra Sedex no resultado dos fretes.
Eu coloquei "Entrega Rápida" no lugar e pra mim dessa maneira já me atendeu. 
Mas acredito que possa ser criado um if para aparecer Sedex quando o valor for fora da regra de preço. (deixo isso para um programador mais experiente do que eu rsrs)

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  • 8 months later...
On 1/29/2019 at 3:29 PM, Ariel Cugenotta said:

Oi @Henrique Souza

Esta usando o módulo da Imagination Media? Se estiver basta ir no arquivo /Helper/Data.php na linha 96:

Esta assim:

return "Sedex";

return "Sedex";

Deixe assim:

return "";

E pronto, o label Sedex não irá mais aparecer.

tentei fazer isso so que o meu nao tem 


 * Correios
 * Correios Shipping Method for Magento 2.
 * @package ImaginationMedia\Correios
 * @author Igor Ludgero Miura <igor@imaginationmedia.com>
 * @author Douglas Ianitsky <ianitsky@gmail.com>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2017 Imagination Media (https://www.imaginationmedia.com/)
 * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/OSL-3.0.php Open Software License 3.0

namespace ImaginationMedia\Correios\Helper;

use ImaginationMedia\Correios\Model\CotacoesFactory;
use ImaginationMedia\Correios\Model\ResourceModel\Cotacoes as ResourceModel;
use Magento\Backend\Model\Session\Quote as BackendSessionQuote;
use Magento\Catalog\Model\ProductRepository;
use Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface;
use Magento\Framework\App\Helper\AbstractHelper;
use Magento\Framework\App\State;
use Magento\Store\Model\ScopeInterface;
use Zend\Log\Logger;
use Zend\Log\Writer\Stream;

class Data extends AbstractHelper
     * @var string
    protected $storeScope;

     * @var ScopeConfigInterface
    protected $scopeConfig;

     * @var ProductRepository
    protected $productRepository;

     * @var array
    protected $obligatoryLogin = [4162, 40436, 40444, 81019, 4669];

     * @var CotacoesFactory
    protected $cotacoesFactory;

     * @var ResourceModel
    protected $resourceModel;

     * @var BackendSessionQuote
    protected $backendSessionQuote;

     * @var Logger
    protected $logger;

     * @var array
    protected $methods;

     * @var State
    protected $appState;

     * Data constructor.
     * @param ProductRepository $productRepository
     * @param ScopeConfigInterface $scopeConfig
     * @param CotacoesFactory $cotacoesFactory
     * @param ResourceModel $resourceModel
     * @param BackendSessionQuote $backendSessionQuote
     * @param State $appState
    public function __construct(
        ProductRepository $productRepository,
        ScopeConfigInterface $scopeConfig,
        CotacoesFactory $cotacoesFactory,
        ResourceModel $resourceModel,
        BackendSessionQuote $backendSessionQuote,
        State $appState
        $this->storeScope = ScopeInterface::SCOPE_STORE;
        $this->scopeConfig = $scopeConfig;
        $this->productRepository = $productRepository;
        $this->cotacoesFactory = $cotacoesFactory;
        $this->resourceModel = $resourceModel;
        $this->backendSessionQuote = $backendSessionQuote;
        $this->appState = $appState;
        $writer = new Stream(BP . '/var/log/imaginationmedia_correios.log');
        $this->logger = new Logger();

    public function getMethodsData()
        if (!$this->methods) {
            $methods = $this->scopeConfig->getValue(
            $this->methods = json_decode($methods, true);
        return $this->methods;

     * Get method name
     * @param $methodCode
     * @return mixed
    public function getMethodName($methodCode)
        $methodCode = (int)$methodCode;

        $methods = $this->getMethodsData();

        foreach ($methods as $method) {
            if ($methodCode === (int)$method['code']) {
                return $method['name'];

        return __("Undefined");

     * @param $service
     * @param $weight
     * @param $finalPostcode
     * @return bool|mixed
    public function getServiceToPopulate($service, $weight, $finalPostcode)
        $webserviceUrl = (string)$this->scopeConfig->getValue(
        if ($webserviceUrl != "") {
            $url = (string)$this->scopeConfig->getValue(
        } else {
            $url = "http://ws.correios.com.br/calculador/CalcPrecoPrazo.aspx?StrRetorno=xml";
        $login = (string)$this->scopeConfig->getValue(
        $password = (string)$this->scopeConfig->getValue(
        if ((int)$this->scopeConfig->getValue(
            ) > 0) {
            $defHeight = (int)$this->scopeConfig->getValue(
        } else {
            $defHeight = 2;
        if ((int)$this->scopeConfig->getValue(
            ) > 0) {
            $defWidth = (int)$this->scopeConfig->getValue(
        } else {
            $defWidth = 16;
        if ((bool)$this->scopeConfig->getValue(
            ) === false) {
            $ownerHands = 'N';
        } else {
            $ownerHands = 'S';
        if ((bool)$this->scopeConfig->getValue(
            ) === false) {
            $receivedWarning = 'N';
        } else {
            $receivedWarning = 'S';
        $origPostcode = (string)$this->scopeConfig->getValue("shipping/origin/postcode", $this->storeScope);
        $declaredValue = (bool)$this->scopeConfig->getValue(
        //Check if the service needs the login and password
        if (in_array($service, $this->obligatoryLogin) === true && ($login === "" || $password === "")) {
            $this->logMessage("Impossible to calculate the service " . $service .
                " because the login/password isn't filled.");
            return false;
        if ($login != "") {
            $url_d = $url . "&nCdEmpresa=" . $login . "&sDsSenha=" . $password . "&nCdFormato=1&nCdServico=" .
                $service . "&nVlComprimento=" . $defWidth . "&nVlAltura=" . $defHeight . "&nVlLargura=" .
                $defWidth . "&sCepOrigem=" . $origPostcode . "&sCdMaoPropria=" . $ownerHands . "&sCdAvisoRecebimento=" .
                $receivedWarning . "&nVlPeso=" . $weight . "&sCepDestino=" . $finalPostcode;
        } else {
            $url_d = $url . "&nCdFormato=1&nCdServico=" . $service . "&nVlComprimento=" . $defWidth . "&nVlAltura=" .
                $defHeight . "&nVlLargura=" . $defWidth . "&sCepOrigem=" . $origPostcode . "&sCdMaoPropria=" .
                $ownerHands . "&sCdAvisoRecebimento=" . $receivedWarning . "&nVlPeso=" .
                $weight . "&sCepDestino=" . $finalPostcode;
        if ($declaredValue) {
            $url_d = $url_d . "&nVlValorDeclarado=18";

        $urls = array($url_d);
        $shippingQuotes = $this->getOnlineShippingQuotes($urls);
        if (count($shippingQuotes) > 0) {
            return $shippingQuotes[0];
        } else {
            return false;

     * @param $urlsArray
     * @param bool $isOffline
     * @return array
    public function getOnlineShippingQuotes($urlsArray, $isOffline = false)
        $deliveryMessage = (string)$this->scopeConfig->getValue(
        if ($deliveryMessage === "") {
            $deliveryMessage = "%s - Em média %d dia(s)";
        $showDeliveryDays = (bool)$this->scopeConfig->getValue(
        $addDeliveryDays = (int)$this->scopeConfig->getValue(
        $handlingFee = 0;
        if ($this->scopeConfig->getValue(
            ) != "") {
            if (is_numeric($this->scopeConfig->getValue(
            ))) {
                $handlingFee = $this->scopeConfig->getValue(
        if ((bool)$isOffline === true) {
            $addDeliveryDays = 0;
        $ratingsCollection = [];
        foreach ($urlsArray as $url_d) {
            $xml = null;
            try {
                $ch = curl_init();
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url_d);
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
                $content = ob_get_contents();
                if ($content) {
                    $xml = new \SimpleXMLElement($content);
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                $this->logMessage("Error in consult XML: " . $e->getMessage());
            if ($xml != null) {
                foreach ($xml->cServico as $servico) {
                    if ((float)$servico->Valor > 0) {
                        try {
                            $data = [];
                            if (!$showDeliveryDays) {
                                $data['servico'] = $this->getMethodName($servico->Codigo);
                            } else {
                                $data['servico'] = sprintf(
                                    intval($servico->PrazoEntrega + $addDeliveryDays)
                            $data['valor'] = str_replace(",", ".", $servico->Valor) + $handlingFee;
                            $data['prazo'] = $servico->PrazoEntrega + $addDeliveryDays;
                            $data['servico_codigo'] = (string)$servico->Codigo;
                            array_push($ratingsCollection, $data);
                            if ($servico->MsgErro != "") {
                                $this->logMessage("Error on helper line165: " . $servico->MsgErro);
                        } catch (\Exception $ex) {
                            $this->logMessage("Error in consult XML2: " . $ex->getMessage());
                    } else {
                        $this->logMessage("Error in consult XML3: Value is zero. The service is not availble to this shipping");
        return $ratingsCollection;

     * @param $request
     * @param $fromCountryId
     * @return bool
    public function checkCountry($request, $fromCountryId)
        $from = (string)$fromCountryId;
        $to = (string)$request->getDestCountryId();
        if ($from !== "BR" || $to !== "BR") {
            return false;
        return true;

     * @param $zipcode
     * @return bool|null|string|string[]
    public function formatZip($zipcode)
        $new = trim($zipcode);
        $new = preg_replace('/[^0-9\s]/', '', $new);
        if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{7,8}$/", $new)) {
            return false;
        } elseif (preg_match("/^[0-9]{7}$/", $new)) {
            $new = "0" . $new;
        return $new;

     * @param $service
     * @param $firstPostcode
     * @param $lastPostcode
     * @return bool
    public function canCreateOfflineTrack($service, $firstPostcode, $lastPostcode)
        $collection = $this->cotacoesFactory->create()
            ->addFieldToFilter('cep_inicio', ["lteq" => $firstPostcode])
            ->addFieldToFilter('cep_fim', ["gteq" => $lastPostcode])
            ->addFilter("servico", $service);
        if ($collection->count() > 0) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

     * @param $originalPrice
     * @return mixed
    public function formatPrice($originalPrice)
        $finalPrice = str_replace(" ", "", $originalPrice);
        $finalPrice = str_replace("R$", "", $finalPrice);
        return $finalPrice;

     * @param $weight
     * @return string
    public function fixWeight($weight)
        $result = $weight;
        if (((string)$this->scopeConfig->getValue(
            ) === 'gr')) {
            $result = number_format($weight / 1000, 2, '.', '');
        return $result;

     * @param $request
     * @return bool
    public function checkWeightRange($request)
        $weight = $this->fixWeight($request->getPackageWeight());
        $maxWeight = (double)($this->scopeConfig->getValue(
        if ($weight > $maxWeight || $weight <= 0) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * @param $quote
     * @return int|string
     * @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException
     * @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\NoSuchEntityException
    public function getCubicWeight($quote)
        $cubicWeight = 0;
        $items = [];
        $maxH = 90;
        $minH = 2;
        $maxW = 90;
        $minW = 16;
        $maxD = 90;
        $minD = 11;
        $sumMax = 160;
        $coefficient = 6000;

        if ($this->appState->getAreaCode() === "adminhtml" && $this->backendSessionQuote->isSessionExists()) {
            //shipping quotation request from backend (internal order, from the admin panel)
            $quote = $this->backendSessionQuote->getQuote();
            $items = $quote->getAllVisibleItems();
        } else {
            //shipping quotation request from frontend
            $items = $quote->getAllVisibleItems();

        $validate = (bool)$this->scopeConfig->getValue(
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            $productItem = $item->getProduct();
            $product = $this->productRepository->getById($productItem->getId());
            $width = ((int)$product->getData('correios_width') === 0) ? (int)$this->scopeConfig->getValue(
            ) : (int)$product->getData('correios_width');
            $height = ((int)$product->getData('correios_height') === 0) ? (int)$this->scopeConfig->getValue(
            ) : (int)$product->getData('correios_height');
            $depth = ((int)$product->getData('correios_depth') === 0) ? (int)$this->scopeConfig->getValue(
            ) : (int)$product->getData('correios_depth');

            if ($validate && ($height > $maxH || $height < $minH || $depth > $maxD ||
                    $depth < $minD || $width > $maxW || $width < $minW ||
                    ($height + $depth + $width) > $sumMax)) {
                $this->logMessage("Invalid Product Dimensions");
                return 0;
            $cubicWeight += (($width * $depth * $height) / $coefficient) * $item->getQty();
        return $this->fixWeight($cubicWeight);

     * @param $message
    public function logMessage($message)
        if ((bool)($this->scopeConfig->getValue(
        ))) {

     * @return bool
    public function updateOfflineTracks()
        $lastItem = $this->cotacoesFactory->create()
            ->addFieldToFilter("valor", array('gt' => 0))
            ->setOrder("ultimo_update", "desc");
        if ($lastItem->count() > 0) {
            $lastItem = $lastItem->getFirstItem();
            $this->logMessage("Last Update: " . $lastItem->getUltimoUpdate());
            $lastUpdateDatetime = $lastItem->getUltimoUpdate();
        } else {
            $lastUpdateDatetime = null;
        $daysUpdate = $this->scopeConfig->getValue(
        if (!is_numeric($daysUpdate)) {
            $daysUpdate = 15;
        if ($daysUpdate <= 0) {
            $daysUpdate = 15;
        if ($lastUpdateDatetime !== null) {
            $nowDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
            $diff = abs(strtotime($nowDate) - strtotime($lastUpdateDatetime));
            $years = floor($diff / (365 * 60 * 60 * 24));
            $months = floor(($diff - $years * 365 * 60 * 60 * 24) / (30 * 60 * 60 * 24));
            $days = floor(($diff - $years * 365 * 60 * 60 * 24 - $months * 30 * 60 * 60 * 24) / (60 * 60 * 24));
            $this->logMessage("Days: " . $days . " daysUpdate: " . $daysUpdate);
            if ($days < $daysUpdate) {
                return false;
        $collectionToUpdate = $this->cotacoesFactory->create()->getCollection();
        $this->logMessage("Offline Postcode Tracks updated");

     * @param $collection
     * @return array
    private function updateTrackCollection($collection)
        $updated = 0;
        $errors = 0;
        try {
            if ($collection->count() > 0) {
                foreach ($collection as $cotacao) {
                    $cotacaoObj = $this->cotacoesFactory->create()->load($cotacao->getId());;
                    $cotacaoValues = $this->getServiceToPopulate(
                    if ($cotacaoValues != false) {
                        $now = new \DateTime();
                            ->setUltimoUpdate($now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                        if ($this->resourceModel->save($cotacaoObj)) {
                        } else {
                    } else {
                        //Try to get with the half postcode in the current postcode track
                        $halfPostcode = ($cotacaoObj->getCepFim() -
                            ($cotacaoObj->getCepFim() - $cotacaoObj->getCepInicio()) / 2);
                        $cotacaoValues = $this->getServiceToPopulate(
                        if ($cotacaoValues != false) {
                            $now = new \DateTime();
                                ->setUltimoUpdate($now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                            if ($cotacaoObj->save()) {
                            } else {
                        } else {
        } catch (\Exception $ex) {
        return [$updated, $errors];

     * Truncate collection data table
     * @throws \Exception
    public function truncateCotacoes()
         * @var $collection \ImaginationMedia\Correios\Model\ResourceModel\Cotacoes\Collection
        $collection = $this->cotacoesFactory->create()->getCollection();
        foreach ($collection as $item) {
            $cotacao = $this->cotacoesFactory->create()->load($item->getId());

     * Make curl call returning the result
     * @param string $url
     * @return mixed|null
    public function makeCurlCall($url)
        try {
            $ch = curl_init();
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
            $result = curl_exec($ch);
            return $result;
        } catch (\Exception $ex) {
            $this->logMessage("Error making a curl call: " . $ex->getMessage());
            return null;

     * Return all codes used by PAC
     * @return array
    public function getPacCodes()
        $pac = [41106, 4669];
        return $pac;


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